Sunday, June 12, 2011

Attaque 77 Arrancacorazones

Attaque 77 is a rock group from Argentina. This song was popular when I was living in Santiago, Chile (it came out in 2005, I think). I really like the song and the video.
Unfortunately, I could not find an HD version of this clip.


What do you think the title means? (Hint: look up the words "arrancar" and "corazón".) What do you think about the song and/or the video? Are there any lyrics that you were able to understand or that you have a question about? What stands out to you?


  1. This video is about loving someone so much that you can't live without them. In the video the kids have to find symbolic items to bring the man back to life. This shows that the man is very connected to the person that he cares deeply about, so being seperated from her is painful.
    arrancar(start) corazón(heart)

  2. Thanks for the insight, Stephanie! Your definition of "arrancar" also brings up a good point about double meanings. "Arrancar" does mean "to start" but usually just in the sense of starting up a car or some other engine. I think most Spanish speakers would think of a different meaning here which is "to rip out"."Arrancacorazones" really refers to someone who rips your heart out, kind of like "hearbreaker" in English but a little stronger.

    Still, you made me think: maybe the double meaning is intentional... Like you said, the objects the kids found brought the man back to life by "starting up" his heart, kind of like an engine.

    This is exactly the kind of problem that comes up when scholars try to translate poetry into other languages!

  3. JAKE SAID...
    I looked it up and found out that arranncar corazón means heart start. I couldn't really understand any of the lyrics because it was all in Spanish that you haven't taught us. However, from the video in the beginning the guys heart wasn't functioning properly but in the end the kids really pulled through and helped him out so that he was up and they really rejuvenated him. I really didn't think that this guy had that great of a voice and that it seemed like a very dull and boring song. I felt that the singer wasn't very good but the drummer and guitarist in the background I enjoyed good. Although couldn't really understand it the word mas kept coming and I know that it means more. From this information I was able to gather that they were begging for more and that they really wanted him to survive. What really stands out to me was the change in tone from beginning to end. In the beginning it was very slow and depressing, but in the end it changed to being very uplifting and much faster and harder rock. The song told a lot of great meanings.

  4. Based on the music video I think that there is some kind of mental relationship between the main characters. For example there are two male main characters and one female character. It also seems that there is some sort of past/present tense changes throughout the music video. I do think that it has to do with love and holding on to certain things. I think that it is interesting that the same gender children as there are adults appear together, as if they were in a scene. Then the two males appear singing as if there was a more structured relationship between them. I overall liked the music video because it dealt with love in a very interesting way.
    Tillie 804
