Sunday, June 12, 2011

Las Meninas by Diego Velazquez

This painting by Diego Velazquez is called Las Meninas. It is perhaps the most well-known painting of any Spanish-speaking artist. It is considered groundbreaking for the period (mid-17th century) and even today in that it demonstrates a very complex sense of perspective.

Can you explain why the viewer might be considered the subject of this painting?

What else is unusual about this work?

What are some details that stand out to you and why? Look closely!

Read more at Diego Velazquez on Wikipedia and share any details that you found interesting or helped you to understand the painting.


  1. He has an interesting sense of perspective. In the background you see the man in the doorway, and he is elevated. The doorway is really a painting, but it looks like a doorway. I love how the light is different in each room, so you can tell exactly where they are. The people in the main room are lit by the sun coming from the windows. I love how you are seeing the entire room.
    Jenny S. 801

  2. Jake O. 704
    I think that the viewer may consider themselves a subject of the painting because the painter portrays a very typical mid-17th century family. By doing this the artist really generates a lot of connection that the viewer can create from looking at it. Something that I thought was very unusual about this painting was that everyone in the house was doing their own different thing. There's a man painting, woman conversing, a girl watching her dog, and much more.One detail that really stands out to me is the man in the background. His presence seems very unknown and he can almost be considered lurking. I do infer though that he is an outsider amongst them and that he isn't part of the family. It's a very deep painting.

  3. This painting is so beautiful. You can see the choices and character the painter chose for his painting. When I first looked at it, the people looked like dolls because of their perfection and huge eyes. The dresses are so frilly it's unreal! I am so impressed and amazed at this painting.

    Emily Zimmerman 703

  4. The painting is interesting because some of the people in it seem part of the action, like the women that are chatting, but others seem to lurk behind in the shadows. The painting captures all types of emotions. The viewer can relate to the painting because it is all about people and their way of being together. An unusual detail I noticed is that the painting of the man in the doorway in the back of the scene looks very life like and lit up. The whole painting makes me curious about each of the people's lives pictured, and what the significance of the painting is.

    -Mikaela K.
